Category: Diet
How to Develop The Right Eating Strategy and Embrace a Caloric Deficit
Probably the most asked question of people who have lost weight is, “How did you do it?” or “Did you do some crazy diet? I could never do that.” Anyone – yes – anyone can lose weight. It’s really a simple formula. You have to burn more calories with exercise than you input calories into…
5 Tips For Sustaining Weight Loss
It’s been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and anyone who has tried to lose weight knows that it is a journey. Some days you are right on course, following the training and nutrition plan that was recommended for you. Other days, not so much. You take a detour…
Fat Loss is Driven by a Sustained Caloric Deficit.
When it comes to eating, there are two types of people: Those who live to eat and those who eat to live. People in the first group – those who live to eat – are always thinking about what they are having for their next meal. Most of the time, they aren’t wondering and worrying…
The Risk of Visceral Fat and Other Fat Types
When we were toddlers, we were told that little girls were made of “sugar and spice, and everything nice,” and little boys were composed of “frogs and snails, and puppy dog’s tails.” Although the old nursery rhyme was cute, it’s definitely not what we’re made of as adults. Our bodies are made of millions of…